We can say, without hesitation, that you will find training for your Private Pilot’s Licence one of the most fun, sometimes challenging, but ultimately rewarding experiences of your life!

The Course

The Course is comprised of Flying Training and Ground Study and includes nine ground exams.

You will complete…

  • A Minimum of 45 hours total flight Instruction.

  • A Minimum of 25 hours dual flight instruction.

  • A Minimum 10 hours supervised Solo Flying (supervised instruction), of which 5 hours will be Solo Cross-Country Flying.

  • A solo cross-country (supervised) flight of at least 150 nautical miles with two intermediate landings.

  • 9 multi choice Ground Exams covering these subjects:

    Air Law, Human Performance, Meteorology, Operational Procedures, Principles of Flight, Flight Performance and Planning, Aircraft General Knowledge, Navigation and Communications ( This exam can be combined with the Practical Test to gain a qualification to use the aircraft radio, the FRTOL, Flight Radio Telephony Operators Licence. )

The first part of the course involves learning how the aircraft controls operate and then learning how to control the aircraft  during climbing, turning and descending flight. This will lead to  to circuit training where you will learn how to land the aeroplane.  When your instructor feels you are ready,  you will fly  your first solo flight, which is a memorable event which you will never forget!

The next part of the course involves navigation where you will visit other airfields , such as Goodwood, Lee on Solent, Bembridge,  Lydd and Southend ,initially with your instructor followed by flights to these airports solo and culminating in a Solo Cross Country flight of at least 150 nautical miles with two intermediate landings.

Then follows some  revision in preparation for your final flight test.


You do not require any special qualifications to start your course, members do come from a wide range of backgrounds together with a wide range of abilities. Just enthusiasm and a helping of common sense.

As regards to age: You can start your training at 14 and there is no upper limit. 17 is the minimum age to hold a licence and 16 is the minimum age for solo.

Before you can fly solo, you are required to pass a “Class 2” Medical conducted by a doctor approved by the Civil Aviation Authority. This is quite straightforward, and so long as you are generally fit, should not present any problems. Glasses or contact lenses are both usually acceptable, the only proviso is that you carry a spare pair .

Once you have completed the course and received your licence then additional training can be taken to obtain additional “Ratings”.

Additional Training


This allows the holder to act as Pilot in Command of an aircraft at night and provides an additional margin of safety as evening approaches at the end of a days flying.


Previously known as the IMC Rating ( Instrument Meteorological Conditions Rating, this qualification allows the holder to fly within more limiting weather and can potentially provide an additional margin of safety should conditions deteriorate during flight.

This is a UK only rating to be used within UK Airspace.


The LAPL was introduced to reduce the requirements and cost of obtaining a Pilots Licence for non- commercial ( private ) flying.

Medical requirements have also been relaxed..

The LAPL is only valid within UK airspace and the “ Ratings” that can be added are the Night Rating and Aerobatic Rating.

An   Instrument Flying Qualification or an Instructor's Rating cannot  be added to a LAPL.

The course format is similar to ,but less comprehensive than the PPL and requires a minimum of 30 hours Flight Instruction ( PPL 45 hours).

The 9 theory exams are identical to those for the PPL.

After passing the end of course Flight Skills test and when the LAPL has been issued, your first 10 hours must be flown solo with no passenger carried.